Find a collection of objects that have a reflective surface.  Objects can be glass, metal, silver, or have a glossy finish.  Examples of objects: silverware, pots & pans, tea kettle, vases, glasses, metal or glass cans/jars, tools, utensils, mirrors, keys, jewelry, and anything else that you can come up with!  Look around you for interesting reflective surfaces.

Find a good place to put your objects.  Consider the surface and background.  You can stage it with fabric.  Arrange your objects in an interesting setup.  Consider overlapping, depth, height changes, a visual pathway, principles of design (movement, pattern, rhythm, balance).  Next figure out a light source that you can control (flashlight, spot light, lamp, etc).  Cast the light to make interesting highlights and shadows

Consider some quick thumbnails to plan your composition in your sketchbook.  I'd be happy to look at your thumbnails before you start to give you composition advice.  Draw your setup to show light, reflections, and shadows.  Be sure to have a strong range of values.   Establish a style that shows off your mark making ability!  Remember craftsmanship counts. 

Art II- Minimum of three (3) objects, pencil, on 12 x 18 paper (you may do any of the GT criteria for a challenge)
Art II/GT- Minimum 5 objects, charcoal, on 18 x 24 paper.

Due Dates:  I want to check your compositions before you add values.  In-progress check, Monday, Oct. 17th.  Final due date:  Monday, Oct. 24

Want a challenge?  Capture imagery in the reflections, use complex objects, more than 5 objects, add in something else, show a background that establishes space beyond the still life.

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